Happy December! It's hard to believe that here we are at the end of the year already, this year really has wizzed by. Today I'm taking a look back at my Instagram photos from November...
Moody skies... November was a damp and blustery month
Spotted these giant pumpkins and squash on a visit to Hyde Hall, I love the bendy one at the back!
New tea favourite! This Bluebird Tea Co. Rhubarb and Custard Rooibos tea tastes every bit as good as it smells!
Turning 30,,, Cupcakes from my favourite local cake shop
The most beautiful birthday gift from some special friends- vintage 1930s bag. I absoloutely love it!

I love all things countryside and woodland and I'm collecting pieces for a woodland themed kitchen. My work colleagues surprised me for my birthday with this lovely Joules set

A lovely thoughtful gift from a good friend- I love this sentiment
A friend has recently had a baby boy so I thought that this would be the ideal opportunity to put my Fair Isle skills into practice on a larger scale, so I made him this Fair Isle beanie!
My niece is only three and a half but the Clangers are back and she's asked me to knit her Tiny Clanger, so that's my next knitting project lined up!
Despite the damp and gloom in November it was still nice to get out for walks. My favourite place to walk is along the river close to where I live
Preparing new work for craft fairs
Nelson doing his best to look innocent after waking me up before the alarm. He's been a bit poorly lately as he has a cyst in his eye, poor boy, but I'm pleased to say that he's now ben signed off by the vet, yay!
Trip to my favourite cafe with my sister and niece. My niece was fascinated by two ladies having afternoon tea and kept saying look at the pretty plates and tea pots- can I have them?!
I hope you all had a lovely November too. What did you get up to?
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