Here's a look behind the scenes at what I got up to in October, as told through my Instagram photos...
I made a giant felt dice for Mr Writer for his Dungeons and Dragons games!
Friends of ours had a baby and I finished this Attic24 Neat Ripple Pattern crochet blanket for him. Read more about the pattern here
Walking around the Marks Hall estate in Coggeshall, Essex and enjoying the Autumn colours. I shared more photos of the estate here
I broke out the winter coat and walking boots but for one blustery day only! It's been unseasonably warm for the time of year, so for the time being, even as we head into November, my winter coat stays in the wardrobe!
October 2014 marked six years since graduating from my Fashion and Textiles degree. Here we are, the class of '08!
This is how lunch times at the day job look for me! I like to make the most of any time I have to craft, so after a bite to eat I get crafting! I work in a creative place so everyone crafts around the kitchen table at lunch times. My boss describes the work kitchen as "A hive of industry!"
I've started making some Christmas cards!
We visited Saffron Walden, a really pretty little town
For Mr Writer's birthday we made carrot cake to take to his work. Nom nom nom...
Nelson chilling out, enjoying a cosy Sunday evening. The nights started drawing in!
Busy working on new pieces for The Renegade Craft Fair in London at the end of November!
Rounding off October with a mini Halloween party for my niece! (Pumpkin carving by my sister!)
Here's to a great November!
What have been your October highlights?